Get In Touch

0915 350 8302


El Grande Ave BF Homes International, BF Las Pinas, Philippines

More About Gavi's Coffee

Good News !

We  have other Ground Coffee Variants  available by Request. We will do our best  bring you the freshest coffee as much as possible we only pack upon order confirmation and ship right away.  Expect some delays due unpredicatable situations that may be caused by the Pandemic

Y0u may fill out the Form Belowand send us your request.  Once received, we will send the order and price for confirmation  

Stay Safe.


Sagada Dark Roast 400gm

Sagada Medium Roast 400gm

Premium Benguet 400gm

Barako Excelsa 400gm

Barako Liberica 400gm

Kalinga Robusta  400gm


Benguet Dark Blend 400gm

Espresso Arabica  400gm

Expresso Robusta  400gm

Manila Medium Roast   400gm

Manila Dark Roast 400gm


Flavored Aroma  400gm

Hazelnut Dark Blend 400gm

Butterscotch Dark Blend 400gm

Macadamia  Dark Blend  400gm

Caramel Medium Blend   400gm

Mocha Dark Blend  400gm

Vanilla Dark Blend   400gm

Mocha Dark Blend  400gm

Vanilla Dark Blend   400gm

Philippine Single Origin Arabica  1 kg

Mt Apo Honey-Dried 1kg Php 1200

Mt. Atok Washed 1 kg Php 1250

Mt Matutum Mindanao 1kg  Php 1400